dataonderivatives - Easily Source Publicly Available Data on Derivatives
Post Global Financial Crisis derivatives reforms have lifted the veil off over-the-counter (OTC) derivative markets. Swap Execution Facilities (SEFs) and Swap Data Repositories (SDRs) now publish data on swaps that are traded on or reported to those facilities (respectively). This package provides you the ability to get this data from supported sources.
Last updated 3 years ago
4.27 score 37 stars 9 scripts 234 downloadsmanagelocalrepo - Manage a CRAN-Style Local Repository
This will allow easier management of a CRAN-style repository on local networks (i.e. not on CRAN). This might be necessary where hosted packages contain intellectual property owned by a corporation.
Last updated 7 years ago
2.70 score 1 stars 4 scripts 142 downloads